Examples and Explanations for Bankruptcy and Debtor/Creditor by Brian A. Blum; Samir D. ParikhCall Number: KF1524.85 .B58 2023 [Reserve Room; Level 3]
ISBN: 9798886140699
Publication Date: 2023
Through its previous seven editions, Examples & Explanations: Bankruptcy and Debtor/Creditor has been popular with students and practitioners for its extraordinarily lucid explanations of complex concepts. In this eighth edition, the coauthors, Brian Blum and Samir Parikh, combine their expertise to enhance the book's treatment of all salient areas of bankruptcy and debtor-creditor law. Although there are many changes in the eighth edition, it maintains the format and approach of previous editions. The textual discussion of the principles, goals, policies, and legal rules of Bankruptcy and Debtor-Creditor law is clear and accessible. The Examples & Explanations pedagogy gives the reader practice interpreting the Bankruptcy Code and applying the rules and principles to factual situations.