Study Guides for 2L/3L Classes

About This Guide

This guide features study aids for first-year law classes that are available in the W&L Law Library. If you have questions about using or finding any of these resources, please contact the library by email at and a librarian will respond to you promptly.

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CALI Lessons

Access to CALI is provided to you compliments of the W&L Law Library and offers legal education resources to help law students succeed.

With over 1,000 online lessons spanning 50+ topics of doctrinal law and practice-oriented skills, CALI content is created and used by law professors nationwide to provide self-directed yet rigorous guidance for students, both as assigned course materials and as extracurricular supplements.

CALI provides extensive selections of outlinesebooks, and podcasts on law school subjects, including tutorials and lessons for upper-level courses.

Current W&L Law students can click here for the Authorization Code to sign up for a free account.