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University Library

Research Support: Help Finding & Citing Sources!

Our librarians & trained student staff are ready to help you find, access, evaluate, & cite sources!

Using the Library Catalog

The Library Catalog serves as a portal to the library's books, ebooks, journals, and multimedia content. It searches across and within much of the libraries holdings, spanning print materials and our databases. Because it searches so much, expect significantly more results than you would find in a topical, format, or discipline specific database.

Discipline Specific Guides

Have a research project, but don't know where do start? Our pre-created guides highlight relevant databases, foundational texts, and more--targeted for the needs of individual disciplines.

Special Collections & Archives

Looking for primary sources, information about local/institutional history, or rare books? Check out Special Collections & Archives. Special Collections and Archives holds these things and more! For questions, email

Chat with a real person or submit a help ticket!

During the academic year, the University Library's chat service is staffed by librarians and trained student staff from Sunday-Thursday, from 4-10 p.m. Users may submit a library help ticket when chat is unstaffed.