Simmons Insights provides U.S. adult consumer data on product and brand usage, spending behavior, media habits, and more. Use it to create reports about the demographic and psychographic characteristics of product users and their media behavior.
Statista is one of the world‘s largest statistics portals, providing data compiled from 18,000 private and public sources aggregated from North American, Europe, and Asia. All statistics and forecasts can be directly downloaded in PNG/PDF, Excel, and PowerPoint formats.
Statista is one of the world‘s largest statistics portals, providing data compiled from 18,000 private and public sources aggregated from North American, Europe, and Asia. All statistics and forecasts can be directly downloaded in PNG/PDF, Excel, and PowerPoint formats.
Contact John Tombarge
Office: M43 Leyburn Library (located in the back corner of the main level on the Elrod Commons side of the building)
telephone: (540) 458-8134