University Library


Resources and Help

Finding Resources in German Using the Library Catalog

Whether you are looking for books, articles, or something else, you can start at the Library Catalog. The Library Catalog searches across the library's  print and electronic collection, indexing most of our books, articles, films, audio, government documents, rare books, and more! 

There are several different strategies for finding sources in German.

You can . . .

  1. Enter your search using the Library Catalog search box on the main library website.
  2. Using the provided filtering options (on the left side of the screen on a computer), to limit the search results. Select "Language" → "German."

Or ...

  1. Go directly to the Library Catalog's Advanced Search Interface.
  2. Enter your desired search terms and limit by "Language"  → "German" before clicking "Search."

Finding German Literature and Literature in Translation

Looking for German literature or literature in translation? Here are some tips:

If you are looking for an actual literary work, not commentary/criticism on that work, try using the Library Catalog's Advanced Search screen and search by the title and the author. You can also limit by language, if you are looking specifically for the original work or the translated form. Finally, you can limit by item type, if you only want a book and not a cinematic interpretation of the work.


Advance search screen with limitations set for author, title, item type, and language

Finding German Language and Literature on the Shelves

The University Library employs the Library of Congress [LOC] Classification System to organize our physical materials (except government documents).

Materials relating to German Literature are classified under "PT." See breakdown of classification system for language and literature.

PT books are located on Leyburn's Lower Level 4.