The below databases (database = buckets of content) are useful when looking for scholarly articles concerning German language and literature.
The best database for your individual project will depend on your topic. For example, if researching gendered depictions of women in German literature, you might want to also search Women's Studies International.
Coverage of over 2,000 journals in history, film studies, religion, philosophy, and other fields within the humanities.
Large database containing extensive biographical and critical information on writers, movements, and works from virtually all time periods.
The MLA International Bibliography is a subject index for books, articles and websites published on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics. It is produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA), an organization dedicated to the study and teaching of language and literature.
Excellent starting point. Multidisciplinary article database offers access to more than 16,000 journals, magazines, and newspapers, including over 15,000 peer-reviewed journals.
A digital archive of over 1,100 important scholarly journals. All issues of each journal are included in full-text except for the most recent 2-to-5 years, based on JSTOR's agreement with the journal's publisher.
Full-text access to about 600 journals from academic publishers.