Barron's is a weekly news magazine providing financial news, providing in-depth analysis and commentary on stocks, investments and markets. Access to Barron's current content is restricted to students, faculty and staff, and users need to register for a personal account.
W&L’s subscription was a gift from Tommy McBride and McBride & Associates at Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. Tommy has been a Barron's Top Ranked Advisor since 2009. The goal is to spur financial education, learn from investing’s best minds and foster professional growth in US business schools.
The University Library has partnered with the New York Times to provide students, faculty, and staff with access to and the mobile app.
Faculty/Staff will be provided with an academic pass valid for 4 years. Students will be provided an academic pass valid until December 31, of the graduation year they select.
The library provides current access to the Wall Street Journal online for faculty, staff and students, but you must register for a private accouint using your W&L email address and the link below.
Wall Street Journal:
If you already have an account (or have ever had an account) with the WSJ using your W&L email address, then it will ask you to just login to your existing account (or select forgot password if you no longer remember it). You must use the link above to associate your account with W&L’s subscription. (After you do this, then the WSJ app should recognize you as an authorized user.)
A leading index and abstracting service for business and management, and it provides indexing and abstracts to articles from thousands of business and management publications. Many articles are available in full-text. Abstracting coverage begins with 1971.
International business and news coverage from over 14,000 sources, including newspapers, news wires, magazines, trade journals, radio and television transcripts, etc. Contemporary coverage of the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal.
Offers full page and article images with searchable full text back to the first issue (1889)
International business and news coverage from over 14,000 sources, including newspapers, news wires, magazines, trade journals, radio and television transcripts, etc. Contemporary coverage of the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal.
A leading index and abstracting service for business and management, and it provides indexing and abstracts to articles from thousands of business and management publications. Many articles are available in full-text. Abstracting coverage begins with 1971.
Business Source covers business journals, magazines, and newspapers. About 7,000 publications, over 2,000 of which are peer-reviewed journals, as well as other resources, including financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more. You might try changing the "select a field" drop-down menu to "CO Company Entity" before searching for a company name.
Articles from 9,000+ U.S. and international full-text information sources, mostly newspapers and wire services. Able to focus a search on news sources from one region of the world or even from one U.S. state at a time.
Regional Business News incorporates 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.