University Library


Winter 2018 / Tucker 115

Book Publishing and Cataloging

There are lots of books being published out there for the "academic" market.  See data below, from this source.

W&L libraries and most other academic libraries in the U.S. arrange most of their materials on the shelves according to the Library of Congress (LC) Classification System. See this official outline of the LC system. And below is an example of a book with LC information on the back of the title page.

Identifying and Evaluating Books

Consider the Publisher of the Book

Some book publishers are more highly-regarded in academia than others.    See this page.

Consider the Author of the Book

What else has he/she written?

Consider Which (Academic) Libraries Purchased the Book

The WorldCat database contains the holdings of hundreds of library catalogs -- books, DVD's, digital materials, etc.    W&L researchers have access to two forms of the WorldCat database:

Find Books at Washington and Lee

The catalog listing of books available through W&L libraries is now embedded within the "Search Primo" option on the University Library homepage.  You can search this database to discover printed books in W&L library collections, online books W&L has purchased, and other online books to which we have access.

Searching for a Topic

The default search is to search for keywords -- words which appear anywhere in descriptions of books (titles, contents, designated subject terms, etc.).  The "Advanced Search" option (linked above) enables you to specify words in titles or subject headings.

What About E-Books?

W&L provides access to online books from various distributors, some of which are:

Massive Digital Libraries (MDL)

Here are major projects to digitize and make available "all" books, along with a good overview article (2013).

Remember: LOCKSS.    Cautionary tale from movie Rollerball.

Eminent English-Language Dictionaries

This fascinating article from the Chronicle of Higher Education, "In the Digital Era, Our Dictionaries Read Us," addresses more modern issues.

And scholars and professionals in journalism and mass communications devote a lot of thought to dictionaries and the use of language.  For example, search for the word dictionaries in W&L's Professional Journalism Resources guide.