Externship Programs

A guide to externship programs offered from W&L Law.


Fall or Spring Semesters

Professor Keri Gould

5 credits (2 credit class and 3 field placement credits)

Capped at 10 students per semester.

Students must complete at least 130 hours of work at the externship placement.

Students are strongly advised to work in-person at their placements. However, acknowledging that some placements do not have full-time in-person attorneys, students may only work in-person once a week unless extraordinary circumstances are approved by Professor Gould. Other hours may be through remote assignments, meetings, call and/or attending remote hearings, or other office activities.

Students generally work a minimum of two days and may commute to placements in Lexington, Roanoke, Harrisonburg, Richmond, and some as far as Washington, DC to find a legal experience that matches their goals and interests.

Students will also participate in a weekly contemporaneous experiential externship seminar taught by Professor Gould.



  1. Resume
  2. A brief statement, 250 words of less, as to your externship educational goals and the type of lawyering or specific legal placement in which you are interested in externing.

Students must meet with Professor Gould to discuss possible placements. In addition, students must receive approval from Professor Gould before accepting an externship offer. Make sure to state in your application if you have already met with Professor Gould, discussed your target placements, and if you have accepted an approved placement.

A student enrolled in this course may not simultaneously participate in another clinical program.