Manage Your Online Presence

A guide for law students to manage online presence while preparing for a professional career

2L Checklist

Books in the Library

Get Creative

Create a personal brand

  • Create your personal brand and professional persona online.
  • Create a presence in social media that is strictly professional.  Join LinkedIn if you haven’t yet or revamp your profile as a future attorney.  Create a twitter account, blog or other platform dedicated to convey the appropriate message about your professional interests and aspirations.

Create professional content

  • Create content that contributes to your designed professional image and avoids the pitfalls for sharing your personal life online.  
  • Take this chance to showcase your academic and professional interests.  Show prospective employers that you have a valuable contribution to make in your desired field.

Create an E-Portfolio

  • Create your own digital dossier rather than allow everything else, like Facebook, Twitter, and ancient online postings, to represent you and and your work.  An e-portfolio done well will outrank all the other stuff in the google rankings
  • Get started by featuring your current resume, your best academic work and a statement about your professional aspirations.
  • You don’t have to be a web design pro to create an e-portfolio.  Try free options at Google Sites, or, or go simple with a personal landing page from

Need help?  Come see us!  Andy Briggs at or Stephanie Miller at



Make your profile stand out.

Add a professional photo, personalize your vanity URL, choose your headline carefully.  

Pro Tip: Check out profiles of lawyers you admire




Connect and Engage

When connecting, personalize the invitation instead of using the default, join groups, and post interesting items related to your practice area.  

Pro Tip:  if you have a professional Twitter account link it to your LinkedIn profile.



  • David Brooks, Should Graduate Students Create E-Portfolios?, The Chronicle of Higher Education (Nov. 22, 2011)
  • Piyali Syam, Online Reputation Management for Lawyers, @WashULaw Blog (Nov. 13, 2013),