University Library


Fall 2018

Browsing Specific Publications

Internationally-respected sources listed below contain significant coverage of international news.  Where appropriate, the links go to the "world" or "international" section.

Searching in Newspaper Databases

Here are databases which specialize in searching and providing texts of newpaper articles published from the 1990's to date.  (In some databases, earlier articles are also included.)

Online News Aggregation

Aggregating sites do no news reporting on their own. Instead, they gather massive numbers of news accounts from other sources  around the world and present them in thematic collections:

New York Times Personal Account

New York Times

The University Library has partnered with the New York Times to provide students, faculty, and staff with access to NYTimes.com and the NYTimes.com mobile app

Faculty/Staff will be provided with an academic pass valid for 4 years. Students will be provided an academic pass valid until December 31, of the graduation year they select.

Setting up your account

NEW subscribers

  1. Visit accessnyt.com to create an account.
  2. In the "Find School" box, type in Washington & Lee University (use the ampersand) and follow the instructions.
  3. If you encounter any error messages, please email edu@nytimes.com.

EXISTING registered subscribers with ACTIVE PAID NYT subscription

  1. If you have an active paid subscription, you will first need to cancel your personal subscription. You can do this by connecting with a chat agent on the site or calling 800-698-4637.
  2. After you cancel your paid account, you can follow the directions below to claim your complimentary subscription.

EXISTING registered subscribers that DO NOT HAVE ACTIVE NYT subscription

  1. Visit accessnyt.com to create an account.
  2. Click on "Already have an account "Log In" (Found below "Create An Account").
  3. Input your email address and the same password created for your previous account.
  4. If you encounter any error messages, please email edu@nytimes.com.