University Library

Race, Racism, and Anti-Racism Resources: Black America

This guide brings together resources on racism and violence against Black people in the United States.

The University Library Stands Against Racism

The Washington and Lee University Library stands with the Black Caucus of the American Library Association in condemning racial injustice. Read full BCALA statement.

Washington and Lee University Law Library

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University Library
204 West Washington Street,
Lexington, VA 24450

Fiction & Poetry Books

The library is working toward purchasing ebook versions of print-only titles listed within this guide to ensure immediate, non-location specific, and simultaneous access for current members of the W&L community.

If you would like to check out a print-only book from this guide and are a W&L student studying remotely, email library@wlu.edu. The library will ship a limited amount of books to remote students during Fall 2020.

If you are a public patron and cannot access the physical library during Fall 2020, take advantage of our carry-out service. Send desired titles and call numbers to library@wlu.edu. Requested books will be available for pickup within 24-48 hours (weekdays).