University Library

Native American & Indigenous Peoples

A collection of resources aggregated by W&L's Indigenous and Native American Employee Resource Group.

A W&L Institutional History Conversation: The Indian World of George Washington

A W&L Institutional History Conversation: The Indian World of George Washington featuring Dr. Colin Calloway (Dartmouth College)

Thursday, October 1, 2020: 5:00 p.m.

Community panelists:

  • Victoria P. Ferguson (Monacan Indian Nation member)
  • Tom Camden (Monacan descendant)
  • Dr. Lynn Rainville
  • Dr. Harvey Markowitz

Read the The Indian World of George Washington as an ebook
[ebook access available for current students, faculty, and staff only]

Join us for a conversation with Historian and Professor, Colin G. Calloway. W&L will host an evening event with the distinguished author from Dartmouth College to discuss his book The Indian World of George Washington. Washington’s association with American Indians had a profound effect on the founding of this nation, the treaties with indigenous nations, and the land acquisition which played a part in the endowment Washington made for the establishment of this University. Local historians will have the opportunity to talk with Mr. Calloway about the book and how Washington’s relationship with various tribal nations helped to shape the United States. Dr. Calloway will be joined by panelists Victoria P. Ferguson (Monacan Indian Nation member), Tom Camden (Monacan descendant), Dr. Lynn Rainville, and Dr. Harvey Markowtiz of the Native American Cohort at W&L.

Indigenous People’s Day Event: Minneapolis, American Indians, Police Brutality & Community

Indigenous People’s Day Event: Minneapolis, American Indians, Police Brutality & Community featuring Dr. Katrina Phillips

Monday, October 12 – 7:00 p.m.

Community panelists:

  • Fran Elrod
  • Kelly Fujiwara (Miwok descendant)
  • Joseph Guse
  • Harvey Markowitz
  • Jessica Wager (Muscogee descendant)

Read Dr. Katrina Phillips's article, "Longtime police brutality drove American Indians to join the George Floyd protests" [electronic access only available to current students, faculty, and staff only].

For Indigenous People’s Day 2020, The W&L Native American Cohort is proud to host Dr. Katrina Phillips (Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Ojibwe) of Macalester College discussing her Washington Post article “Longtime police brutality drove American Indians to join the George Floyd protests." Dr. Phillips will be joined by Fran Elrod, Kelly Fujiwara (Miwok descendant), Joseph Guse, Harvey Markowitz, and Jessica Wager (Muscogee descendant) to discuss additional topics of indigenous rights and the interconnectedness of current social movements.

*Dr. Phillips will return in Spring 2021 as a guest of the Africana Studies Year Long Series*