University Library

Miranda Collection

Collection Scope:

The Miranda Collection focuses on indigenous works with an academic, scholarly, or research-based focus, and shows preference towards selections that enhance interdisciplinary discourse across the W&L curriculum.  Academic works are defined here as pieces created with a scholarly audience in mind and are meant to inspire scholarly conversation. The collection may include exceptions for notable works outside of this scope.   

The Miranda Collection will contain research and publications from creators who identify as a part of a native or indigenous group. Within this larger goal, the collection process will focus on acquiring and highlighting works from creators who:   

  1. Identify as a part of a local native or indigenous group and/or as part of a native or indigenous group that is represented within our university community, and 

  1. Work in a field in which they are significantly underrepresented (e.g., math and economics as of December 2022) and/or that supports the W&L curriculum