University Library

East Asian Languages & Literatures

Suggested Resources

Finding Materials in Chinese in the Library Catalog

The Library Catalog, accessible through the library's website at library.wlu.edu, serves as a portal to the books, ebooks, journals, and multimedia content. 

To limit search results to only Chinese language materials:

  • Look to the limiters/filters on the left side of the screen.
  • Under Language, check Chinese.
  • Click Apply Filters.

Relevant Databases

The below databases (database = buckets of content) are useful when looking for scholarly articles concerning Chinese language and literature topics.

The best database for your individual project will depend on your topic. For example, if researching gendered depictions of motherhood in Chinese literature, you might want to also search Women's Studies International.

Finding Chinese Films

All Films in Chinese (streaming and DVDs)


Looking for something specific? Use the Library's Catalog's Advanced Search. Try limiting by "Item Type" = "Video/Film" and "Language" = "Chinese."

DVDs in Leyburn Library: The University Library holds many Chinese language feature films in DVD form.

Interlibrary Loan

The Library can't own or subscribe to every piece of research ever created...that's why we have interlibrary loan!

If you need to use an article or book not in the library's collection, place an interlibrary loan request. The University Library can borrow materials from libraries across the globe.