Described as the largest citation-and-abstract database in the world, Scopus features broad coverage of scientific, technical, medical, and social sciences literature, as covered in about 14,000 peer-reviewed resources, as well as academic Web sites from the Scirus database. Scopus also functions as a citation-indexing tool.
Entries dating from 1996 include complete reference (bibliography) listings, while earlier entries (back to 1966) include only citations and abstracts.
Combining Terms You can search for entries containing two or more terms by combining them with "AND" in the search statement. Example: college AND stress
Phrases Search for a multi-word phrase by placing the terms within double quotation-marks. Example: "binge drinking"
Wildcards/Truncation The search system will automatically search for singular and plural forms of a term that is entered. Example: cell will find cell and cells.
A question-mark (?) will replace a single character in a search term. Example: analys?s will find analysis and analyses.
An asterisk (*) can replace any number of characters in a search term. Example: behav* will find behavior, behaviour, behavioral, behaviors, behaviorism, etc.
Citation Indexing Note that most entries include a "Cited By" option, which allows you to see publications which have cited the item you are viewing.
Full Text Many entries in the database include "View at Publisher" links, intended to lead you to the complete text of articles, etc. on publisher Web site. In many cases, we actually will not have access to these materials.