University Library

POLITICS 370: Thomas Jefferson Seminar (Professor Alexander)

Searching for articles

A starting point for articles is also the library catalog

You also might want to try specialized databases by examining the A-Z Databases list on the library's website. On the A-Z Databases page, you can view databases by subject category. You should take a look at both the Politics and History categories. 

Some recommended journals

Journals in Politics

These are some of the major journals in Politics, but there are many more. 

  • American Political Science Review
  • American Journal of Political Science
  • Journal of Politics
  • Political Science Quarterly

The JSTOR database includes all of these journals, albeit not the most recent years of each.  You can browse or search the contents of all four of these journals by going to this list of 200+ political science journals:  JSTOR political science journals

A note about JSTOR: while an excellent full-text archive of scholarly journals, always keep in mind that JSTOR does not contain the most recent 2 - 5 years of a journal. The time restriction depends upon JSTOR's agreement with the publisher. You should use the library catalog or one of the specialized databases listed the Politics and History subject categories. 

If you prefer to start by searching the most recent volumes of these journals, you can start here:


Specialized Databases

These databases might be useful for your research.